Fine Golden Retrievers - Desert Hills, AZ
Jovi’s If My Friends Could See Me Now, RA
(Ch Hillock's Bad As I Wanna Be X Jovi's Canyon de Chelly)
Pearl Bailey is our poster child. Everyone who comes to visit visit falls in love with her and wants a puppy just like her. She is smart, soft, funny and a happy girl to live with. She is beautiful in all respects. We expect great things from her. First her RN in a few weeks, then on to Novice and Open while competing in conformation. She will be shown by Pamela Sage next year. A big thank you to Tammy Tomlinson for letting Rodman (along with Chey of course!)make Pearl a possibility.
Gucci is my Teddy Bear, my beautiful, loving, happy boy. Great topline, wonderful movement and a temperment to die for. I am sure he will tear up the ring. He is really smart, Show him once and he has got it. He loves to play with all the kids. But Flirtie is his favorite. Watch for him this spring as he starts his show career.

Bearabella Jovi’s This Lil Heart O Mine, RA
(BIS,BISS, CH Jovi's Leathal Weapon, SDHF X Can Ch Citrine's Magical Discovery)
"Valentina " was named appropriately as we brought her home on Valentine's Day in the worst snow storm in years. Valle is so smart and eager she managed her RN with ease and showed her ability to learn from the start. She got her Rally Advanced with all placements. She is a great mom. She has the most endearing temperament that she is passing on to her kids. Loves her ball, and all toys, and is the first one to 'get it!' when asked. I think she will do well in obedience. She has effortless gait, great top line, and is clean coming and going. We hope she will pass on these things and her endearing temperament to her kids.
Flirtie is full of surprises.
She loves to jump, play, bark and chase a ball. She moves well both in the coming and going and the go around.
She is funny, lovable and terribly energetic.
Our Ellie ...................................................................................................